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Preparing for the Winter

Are you ready to start the season of heavy jackets and brutal weather? There are many things people do to jumpstart preparations for surviving the cold seasons, but do not forget about preparing your property as well.

There are many steps that can be taken to get ahead of the spring lawn problems many

experience the following growing season after the winter frost has worn off and the temperatures start to rise. During the fall is the best time to start preparing by servicing the property with Winter Fertilizer, and Core Aeration and Over seeding for the lawn, as well as applying Deep Root Fertilizer and Anti-Desiccant spray for the trees. If the property has a sprinkler system, it is highly recommending to have them winterized to prevent pipes from freezing and possibly becoming damaged throughout the winter and spring.

Winterizers are slow-release fertilizers with nitrogen levels between 10 and 15 percent. Winter fertilizer consists of granules which break down slowly over the late fall, winter, and spring based on soil temperatures, moisture, and microbial activity. During this time the roots (which are growing as long as the ground isn't frozen) are absorbing and storing nutrients until the air temperature is ideal for the bluegrass, ryegrass, or fescue to use it for shoot growth and green color.

Core Aeration and Over seeding in the fall aides in germination, the young grass will have two or three months to become better established before temperatures drop too low. Next spring, the young plants will have another few months to develop deeper roots before the summer heat sets in.

Over seeding lawns in fall reduces or eliminates competition from summer weedy grasses, such as crabgrass, foxtails, and other weeds. In the fall, cooler soil temperatures with higher rain amounts help to create the perfect environment for seed germination. Last but not least, Over seeding lawns in the fall gives the grass a head start. The roots have become established before winter which greatly reduces crop loss should there be a hot, dry spring.

Trees require nutrients to live and thrive. When one or more of these nutrients are deficient in the soil, the tree will not reach its full landscape potential, will be more susceptible to disease

and insect problems, and will have a shorter life than a similar, well-fertilized trees. Nutrients are applied to the trees and shrubs by a process of Deep Root Feeding to the root zone of each ornamental plant. Trees and shrubs will make use of these nutrients through the cooler months. During the fall and winter, they will develop reserves of nutrients in their root systems. These reserves help create superior root development, vivid green foliage, improve plant vigor, help reduce damage from insects and disease, and will improve flowering and overall health the following year.

Anti-desiccants are compounds that (when applied correctly) slow the loss of water from plants. They work by creating a thin barrier over the leaf’s pore locking in moisture. Anti-desiccants are especially beneficial at times when roots are unable to take up sufficient water due to a lack of available ground moisture.

If you would like more information on how Greenlawns can help prepare your property for the winter season, contact us today!

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